Container Management System (CMS)
CMS is a complete container depot management system, handling all aspects of the container depot operations from gate management, inventory management, container survey and repair to fully automated billing and charging. The solution comes with a suite of forklift mounted terminals, and handheld survey devices to further drive operational efficiency.
To improve and digitize the container depot operations processes as well as help enhance the communication between depot operators and transport operators by providing a notification system to help manage arrivals and depot queues, as well as dynamically optimizes the depot gate and yard capacity. Through this window, transport operators can plan their collection or return of containers.
Key Features
- Validating trips before truck arrival
- Earlier processing of trucks approaching the depot
- Improved turnarounds and reduced queues
- Better traffic control and capacity planning
- Allows for paperless and cashless transactions between hauliers and depot operators
- Provide visibility and real-time information to ALL stakeholders
- Improved overall productivity across the supply chain
- Simpler workflow and processes
- Access to accurate & real-time information
- Reduce/eliminate human error
- Reduction of staff handling
- Improved customers’ service
Business Benefits
- Reduce variable costs (e.g. fuel, labour, container detention)
- Optimize Capital Expenditure (e.g. container inventory, number of trucks, yard space and equipment)
- Reduce points of business failure (e.g. double handling, lost time, safety, inactive vehicles and people)
The system was officially launched at the CDAS Logistics and Transportation Conference 2014 on 26 August 2014.
The system officially went live in the industry on 3rd October 2014 and went on to become adopted by the majority of the depot industry.
Are you setting up a new depot, or a new transport company handling container trucking?