CDAS is pleased to announce that the Container, Logistics & Transport Business Forum 2015 is now open for registration!
This year, Singapore celebrates its 50th year of independence.
As we celebrate our nation’s achievements and progress in the past 50 years, let us not forget that many challenges and threats will continue to face us in the days to come. Many external and internal factors can pose a threat to the continuity of a business. How can our industry build up its resilience, and bounce back from any setbacks or threats?
This forum was organized to bring the industry together, to hear from the experts of their fields, as well as to share valuable insights with one another.
How much have you done in terms of Business Resilience for your business?
How much more do you need to do in order to better manage your business growth and sustainability?
Come have your questions answered, and join us at this Business Forum!
Speakers from both the private and public sectors have been specially invited to share with you the areas of focus that will have an impact on your company’s business resilience planning.
You will also be able to get involved in one of the Focus Group discussions, to have more interactive communication with the group facilitator, on your area of concern.
The forum also features 2 industry product highlights.
Come and learn more about various industry products and services available, and how they can benefit your company!
Don’t wait till the last minute! Sign up early and enjoy an early bird discount!
Forum details and Registration can be found here
Full Forum Flyer and Program Schedule
Registration Form – For Registering for multiple participants