Thank You for Supporting the Logistics and Transportation Conference 2022 – Logistics Digitalization and Resource Optimization for a Sustainable Future

We are pleased to have successfully ran the renewed Logistics and Transportation Conference 2022 on 30 September 2022! Our theme for the conference, “Logistics Digitalization and Resource Optimization for a Sustainable Future” brought together representatives from the logistics and transportation sector, speakers and representatives from government agencies and academics, to attend and share their experience and expertise on the four key focus of this conference’s theme; the continued “Digitalization” of the logistics and transportation sector, “Optimizing” resources and assets for improved efficiency, and “Sustainability”, as we delve into both business sustainability as well as reducing our industry’s carbon footprint. The [...]

Re-Introducing the Logistics and Transportation Conference 2022 – Logistics Digitalization and Resource Optimization for a Sustainable Future

CDAS is pleased to announce the renewal of our Logistics and Transportation Conference 2022! Our theme for the conference, “Logistics Digitalization and Resource Optimization for a Sustainable Future” will bring together representatives from the logistics and transportation sector, speakers and representatives from government agencies and academics, to attend and share their experience and expertise on the four key focus of this conference’s theme; the continued “Digitalization” of the logistics and transportation sector, “Optimizing” resources and assets for improved efficiency, and “Sustainability”, as we delve into both business sustainability as well as reducing our industry’s carbon footprint. Don't miss the opportunity [...]

Quality and Standards Partners Appreciation Event 2022

CDAS is pleased to share that Deputy President, Mr. Ricky Loo received a commendation award in recognition for his contributions at the Enterprise Singapore's Quality and Standards Partners Appreciation Event held on 13 July 2022. Over the years Mr. Loo has contributed significantly his experience and industry expertise in helping to put together various Technical References, some of which would go on to become adopted as Singapore Standards. Standards are often conceptualized in the form of a Technical Reference, to guide the industry based on the recommended best practices put together by a committee of industry experts, which are then [...]

Wishing Our Members and Friends a Happy Lunar New Year!

CDAS turned 30 this past year! You may recall we commemorated it by giving back to society during last year's Mid-Autumn Festival period. While we are still unable to hold any celebratory event, we would like to once again show our appreciation through this small gesture and spread the festivities, while not forgetting the less fortunate in society. This year we are once again working with Project Dignity, a social enterprise that helps to train and place differently-abled adults for gainful employment. Your contributions enable CDAS to give back to society through the sales of the very treats given to [...]

By |2022-01-31T10:35:08+08:0031 January 2022|News|0 Comments

Celebrating Mid-Autumn with Project Dignity

These past 2 years have been a trying time for the Logistics and Transportation Industry, in the face of COVID-19. But with strength and perseverance, we will emerge stronger and better, together.   While we are unable to hold any celebratory event, CDAS had distributed boxes of mooncakes to its members to spread the festivities around, while not forgetting the less fortunate in society. This year we are working with Project Dignity, a social enterprise that helps to train and place differently-abled adults for gainful employment. With our members' contributions CDAS will be joining them in giving back to society [...]

By |2021-09-21T17:50:26+08:0017 September 2021|News|0 Comments